Our Approach to Responsible Investing

We believe that responsible investing is crucial for long-term success and achieving positive outcomes for our clients. Our approach to responsible investing is based on integrating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors into our investment process to evaluate ESG risks and opportunities.

We screen investments using ESG factors and monitor the ESG activities of companies in our portfolio. We also measure how these companies improve over time and engage in proxy voting to support responsible corporate practices.

We are committed to being transparent and accountable to our stakeholders in our ESG efforts. We report on ESG issues in our portfolio in a transparent and accountable manner to keep our stakeholders informed and engaged. By integrating responsible investing into our investment process, we strive to create positive impact and deliver long-term value for our clients.

Contact Us

Looking for a reliable partner to help you achieve your investment goals? Look no further than Sisedi Investments Group. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing exceptional investment management services to individuals and institutions alike.

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Unit 4, The Village, 18 Liliencron Street
Eros, Windhoek

Email Us

info@sisedi.com.na or

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+264 61 389 750