We are here every step of the way.
Sisedi is a Khoekhoegowab word which means ‘’it is ours’’ referring to something belonging to women Sisedi belongs to or was started by women and belongs to ‘’ as Namibians.
With this name, we take ownership and accountability for the development of our nation motivated by our personal values and our professional skills.
We are in the ‘’trust business’’ people entrust us with their life savings to safeguard and grow it for them in order to live a life with dignity We believe as seasoned investment professionals and intuitively attuned as women, we make a significant contribution to the investment management industry.
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Sisedi Investment Group (Pty) Ltd has been created to provide investment management services to investors seeking above market returns.
To be the leading value innovator investment manager in our chosen markets.
To create sustainable value for all material stakeholders while remaining focused on generating superior investment returns driven by our unique investment process.